1 Vicious Michigan Union Thug  Mon, Dec 17, 2012 8:21:12am

I don't know what exactly Anon thinks they are doing to harm the Phelps gang. Phelps gang has never been shy about accepting any free publicity they can get.

2 Decatur Deb  Mon, Dec 17, 2012 8:28:16am

re: #1 Vicious Michigan Union Thug

I don't know what exactly Anon thinks they are doing to harm the Phelps gang. Phelps gang has never been shy about accepting any free publicity they can get.

I read the Anonymous flyer--surprising how many of the Phelps clan are lawyers employed by their county government/contractors. Most are in corrections or youth services.

Re Anonymous fighting the WBC, it's like watching a tarantula fighting a scorpion. You can't really care who gets stung.

3 sffilk  Mon, Dec 17, 2012 9:37:37am

As a matter of fact, Shirley Phelps Roper (may her name be deleted for all time) said the last time this sort of thing happened that she appreciated what Anonymous did as it gave the destructive cult some free publicity. Unfortunately, even if the rest of the universe were to ignore these "people" (and I use the term loosely), they'd still do what they do. I honestly think there's no way we're going to see the last of these beings.

4 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Dec 17, 2012 10:21:44am

I hate the WBC, but I can't support this. I don't support the use of illegal 'outing' methods anyone but those who actively engage in or materially support terrorism or crime. Anon is a malevolent actor, and that cannot be forgotten. But I've still got zero sympathy for Fred Phelps and the "adults" of the WBC, because they really do deserve worse than what Anonymous is going to bring down on them.

5 stabby  Mon, Dec 17, 2012 10:46:28am

Remember, "Anonymous" is just an old joke from sites like 4chan that specialize in jokes for adolescents and teens. And that's who they are. They're bored adolescents and teens who have nothing better to do. They're not even the same people from time to time.

6 Joanne  Mon, Dec 17, 2012 1:29:45pm

re: #4 Dark_Falcon

But I've still got zero sympathy for Fred Phelps and the "adults" of the WBC, because they really do deserve worse than what Anonymous is going to bring down on them.


The time is going to come where they find themselves on the other end of something, that something being the last thing they are ever on the other side of. Some day they are going to protest someone who is already at their wits end and that will be that.

They are not asking for it...they are begging for it.

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